Party King


Clash of Clans is celebrating its 8th Clashiversary with a party. Arriving with the new month of challenges is the Party King and he’s ready to rock out and raid. You Can buy Gold pass for 4.99$ in the game and complete the august challenge to unlock Party King skin for barbarian king and receive other rewards. You can buy august gold pass for $2.99 from us. to get more information click here

August Challenges:

As always in this august gold pass there are 3 daily challenges: Get a star from a Multiplayer Battle; Get a star from a Versus Battle and Donate a total of 15 Housing Space worth of troops. Each of daily challenges provide 20 challenge points when you complete them.

In August challenge just like as previous challenges, there are seasonal challenges that can be completed throughout the entire month. These challenges need a bit more effort and time and will provide you more challenge points to help you to receive 26000 challenge point and unlock all rewards and Party King as soon as possible.

Party King:

Party King is 7th Barbarian King skin and looks very cool just Check out video below and watch him.

Party Wizard:

Party Wizard

In august challenge a new temporary troop name Party Wizard is also added. we saw Party Wizard last year in 7th Clash of Clans Anniversary. Party Wizard is similar to normal wizard but there is some different between these two. Party wizard has less hit point but Move faster, Attack faster and has More Damage. 

Clashiversary statue:


In this month challenge we have also Clashiversary statue.It is a decoration item that can be moved ore stashed. To receive this decoration item you don’t need to buy a gold pass, you will receive it for free by reaching just 80 challenge points.


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